An average Wessex Water customer uses 140 litres per day. Do you have a meter, if so you can see how you compare with the average and set yourself a target. The World Health Organisation recommends a minimum of 20 litres per person per day in order to maintain health and hygiene. In the UK we are advised to drink 2 litres a day, but all our water is fit to drink, and a quarter goes straight down the toilet!
If you don’t have a water meter yet, Wessex Water can fit one for free. Find out if you should get one here, then see how much you can save.
Ten tips for saving water
Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth – save 18 litres per day
Take a short shower instead of a bath
Only use your washing machine or dishwasher when its full
Order your WaterSave pack – you could save £60 on bills
Use a save a flush device in the toilet
Don’t be a drip – fix dripping taps
No spills – use a bowl to wash fruit and vegetables, then put the water on your plants.
When buying new appliances – check the water efficiency
Catch the rain – fit a water butt in your garden
In the can – water with a watering can instead of a hose
Further information at Wessex Water